Eurostyle Vivarium
I will not go into details on this build on this page, since I did that in my blog
This was my first big vivarium, and I have been thrilled with how it developed. I really wouldn’t change anything. When I started with the blank “glass box”, the project seemed overwhelmingly large. Now it feels like my “little vivarium”, though I still love it just as much. It is an absolute gem and is a stunnnig focal point for people entering my home.
Here are some interim photos of how it has progressed through this first year. The lead photo above is it’s “one year anniversary” shot. You will see that some plants have been added and some have gone. (sometimes because they didn’t do well, other times because they did TOO well and had to be removed because they were getting too large!) But that is the nature of living vivaria! You will also see differences in lighting and color. I changed lighting several times during the year, eventually settling on the lights I am now using, which are Beamswork DA lights. They are bright enough even to keep the Cryptanthus in the front colored up and the Episcia blooming and I like the color rendition. I did have to move some of the small orchids to more protected positions, because the light was too strong for them.